What gender are you?
- Male
- female
What year are you in?
- Year 8-10
- Years 11-12
- Years 13-14
How often would you like to see
the school magazine to be published?
- Every month
- Every 6 months
- Once a year
How much would you be
willing to pay for the magazine?
- Nothing
- 20p
- 50p
- £1
What colours would
intrigue you to read the magazine?
- Pink, blue, purple
- Red, yellow, green
- Orange, red, black
Would you prefer a formal or informal style to the magazine?
- Formal
- informal
What would you like to see more in the school magazine?
- Information
- pictures
What gift vouchers would you
like to be included in the magazine?
- ITunes voucher
- Trim-Print voucher
- Bagel bean voucher
- New look voucher
- Topshop voucher
What would you like to see in
the magazine?
- School trips
- Recent school achievements
- Revision tips
- Upcoming events
- Agony Aunt
What would you like to
see on the front cover?
- Teachers
- Students
- Different themes, e.g. Halloween theme, Christmas theme
What would you prefer the
magazine to focus on most?
- My year group
- Whole school